When it comes to ovarian cancer, finding the right kind of doctor for your surgery impacts survival. Gynecologic oncologists are the surgeons of choice. In some studies when comparing general surgeons to gynecologic oncologist surgeons, having gynecologic oncologists improved survival rate significantly. The Foundation for Women’s Health can...
Read MoreBench Scientists Discover a New T-cell
Something unusual happened when Professor Andrew Sewell and the T-Cell Modulation Group at the University of Cardiff put the blood of a healthy donor in a petri dish with some cancer cells. What grew in the blood was a T-cell that no one had seen before. This T-cell attacked the cancer cells and destroyed them. Sewell and his team did what all bench...
Read MoreMosquitoes, Diseases and Humans
You may not believe this – after a summer with mosquitoes buzzing around you – but there are of these pesky insects that don’t bite humans specifically. They just aren’t that interested in us. Researchers at Princeton University wanted to know why. So they went to Africa to find Aedes aegypti aegypti, the mosquito that spreads yellow...
Read MoreMasks Work in Mysterious Ways
Theories abound as we learn more about COVID-19 but one that makes a lot of sense has to do with viral dosage. There is a term “LD50” which is the virus dose at which fifty percent of those who are exposed, die. Research determining this dosage is done in experiments on animals, varying the dose of virus to calculate a dose-mortality curve. ...
Read MoreMy father had COVID-19, this is what I learned
My name is Rick Davis. This summer, I interned remotely for Medivizor from my home in Cincinnati, Ohio. I am a sophomore studying finance and economic consulting at Indiana University. As much as the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted my life, its impact was not fully realized until a member of my household tested positive for the virus. My father...
Read MoreStatins and Colorectal Cancer
Most people are taking statins to lower their cholesterol, right? It’s about reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke. Well, now there is some recent research that finds an association between taking statins and survival of a colorectal cancer diagnosis. This research is a review of almost 30,000 medical records from the National Veterans...
Read MoreCOVID-19 with Cancer
Recent research presented at a virtual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research 1 indicates the need for greater care and continued social distancing for those who are in treatment for cancer and – in one study that was presented – those who have a recent history of cancer (the research looked at people from 2015 to the...
Read MoreTurning to Glass: Fertility Preservation
We are surrounded by glass but most people don’t know the first thing about it. Glass is a strange substance: It is partly a solid and partly a liquid. What does this mean? The atoms of solids are packed close together. If they are crystalline, they are in regular, repeating patterns. The atoms in liquids are not in a regular pattern and move...
Read MoreVaccine Targeting COVID-19’s Spikes (S-Proteins)
The protrusions on the Coronavirus are a group of three “S” proteins also call “Spike” proteins. These proteins bind to ACE2 receptors on the membranes of cells in the body. This has been a target of many of the over 120 vaccines that have been in production since the pandemic began. A recent intermediary report on one of the...
Read More“Happy Hypoxia?” More about COVID-19
What is hypoxia? When you find out you will wonder why anyone would called it “happy”? Hypoxia is low blood oxygen levels. When your lungs are healthy they keep the body and your blood saturated with oxygen. Your pulse oximeter reading would be 95-100%. However, if your pulse oximeter readings are lower than 90%, it is time to...
Read MoreMask Wearing as a Political Issue
The Pew Research Center released findings of a survey on mask wearing in the United States. Who could have guessed that wearing a mask to prevent illness would be made into a political issue? In answer to the question, “In the past month, how often, if ever, have you worn a mask or face covering when in stores or other businesses?” where...
Read MoreClinical trial for Treatment of COVID-19 Cytokine Storm
One of the causes of death for those infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19) is an immunological phenomenon. As you can see from the image below, this occurs in phase 3. See Reference 1 Image simplified from reference. A phase 3 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multi-center clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of Ruxolitinib...
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