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Posted by on Aug 19, 2018 in Breast cancer | 0 comments

In a nutshell

This study looked at the risk factors and protective factors surrounding non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in relation to tamoxifen (Novaldex) therapy for women with breast cancer. The authors found that a high BMI was a risk factor for tamoxifen related fatty liver disease, while exercise was a protective factor.

Some background

Tamoxifen is a drug used in women who have had breast cancer to prevent the disease occurring again. However, studies have shown that taking tamoxifen can lead to an increased risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This disease occurs when fat cells build up in the liver and can lead to issues with liver function. The study wanted to determine if there is anything that makes patients more or less at risk of developing this disease after treatment.

Methods & findings

This study consisted of women aged 20-70 who had previously been diagnosed with breast cancer. There were a total of 266 patients studied. Each patient was treated with tamoxifen and followed for 5 years. Patients were tested for liver function and were classed as either normal or fatty liver.

The authors concluded that the patients in the normal liver group had a lower BMI than those in the fatty liver group. They found that a BMI of over 22 was a risk factor for developing fatty liver. The authors also concluded that weekly exercise of over 150 minutes was associated with a reduced risk of developing fatty liver.

The bottom line

The study concluded that a high BMI put patients who were treated with tamoxifen at risk of developing fatty liver disease. Regular exercise helps prevent development of fatty liver disease.

The fine print

This was a very small study with a small number of patients.

Published By :

Clinical Breast Cancer

Date :

Aug 01, 2018

Original Title :

Prevention of Tamoxifen-related Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Breast Cancer Patients.

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