In the United States, four out of ten people will have cancer in their lifetimes. [1] Worldwide, the figures are a little better, “about 1 in 5 people develop cancer in their lifetime, approximately 1 in 9 men and 1 in 12 women die from the disease.” As the American Cancer Society notes, lifestyle, environmental factors and family history can...
Read MoreChemotherapy Posts on Medivizor
To Treat or Not To Treat Cancer: Medical Decision-making
Cherry Hughes** is an active, energetic 75 year old, still working in the marketing and public relations profession in Great Britain. Her life is filled with friends and fun. “I love cooking and eating out. I am deeply interested in politics. I love music …I go to jazz clubs. I love going to France …I have a little apartment...
Read MoreWhat is Neutropenia?
There are 1.6 million people diagnosed with cancer in the US each year. Of these, 650,000 receive chemotherapy. Did you know that 60,000 people a year are hospitalized for neutropenia, a common side effect of chemotherapy? One in fourteen die because of it. Of the 650,000 receiving chemotherapy, 104,000 are not aware of neutropenia and 52,000 don’t...
Read MoreNew Studies Linking Gut Bacteria and Cancer Treatment
In It’s All In Your Gut, A High Fiber Diet and the Immune System, we introduced the microbiome that lives in our body. It helps with our digestion and makes the short-chained fatty acids (SCFAs) that are important to our immune system. Now several recent studies are looking at bacteria in the bodies of people with cancer. Specifically, these...
Read MoreGuest Post: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and My Stem Cell Transplant Experience
“I am 24 years old. Last year on January 15th 2016, I was diagnosed with Stage 2A Classical Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I had 12 cycles of ABVD chemotherapy over 6 months and went into complete remission on August 8th, 2016. A few weeks before my wedding, on November 4th 2016 I had my first follow up CT scan which showed enlarged...
Read MoreSide Effects of Chemotherapy for Cancer: Infographic
Chemotherapy Side Effects Resources Cancer survivorship is impacted by side effects of treatment. Survivorship health information abounds on Medivizor: from the post on neuropathy to the new guidelines that have been created for physicians to care for the side effects for breast cancer survivors. In addition, the Medivizor Library provides a...
Read MoreBankruptcy: The Other Cost of Cancer
In the US, people buy health insurance to pay for their medical care. Often their employer, as a benefit, offers partially subsidized health insurance (if they are working full time). Yet, even if people buy the best coverage they can through their employer, they pay out-of-pocket costs. Some, who can’t afford that kind of chunk out of the weekly...
Read MoreOn Being a Cancer Survivor: Patient Experience of Peripheral Neuropathy
Being Informed For Vilma Aleida, neuropathy was a surprise. “Neuropathy appeared in 2011 during my 7th chemo….That 7th chemo was the infusion of two treatments (taxotere and trastuzumab). The result send me to the ER, the pain was only relieved with morphine. After that, I have been living with neuropathy in my legs, from my knees down. I...
Read MoreA Roadmap to the “New Normal:” Understanding Cancer Treatment’s Bumpy Ride
So often people who undergo chemotherapy hear something like this from their family, friends or other well-wishers, “Thank goodness that’s over, now you can get on with your life. You can get back to normal.” Although it’s true that chemotherapy is over, the road that the patient is on is not smooth. There are important changes that caregivers and...
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