“You’re reading the wrong chart, I don’t have breasts.”~Male Breast Cancer Survivor “Men Have Breasts Too” Trailer Men Have Breasts Peggy Miller thinks outside the box. So in 2003, when her family and many others in her community didn’t have health insurance, she helped start a ”physical night” at the local high school....
Read MoreProstate Cancer Impacts 1 in 6 Men
“Prostate cancer will kill more than 27,500 of our Nation’s fathers, husbands, sons, and brothers … and more than 220,000 Americans will be diagnosed…in 2015 alone.” Thus begins the Presidential Proclamation that September 2015 is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. But dire statistics aren’t the whole story. The American Cancer...
Read MoreWhy Wash Your Hands? Hand washing 101
Did you know that many people don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom? EWWWWWW! So, who are these backsliders? You might one. Is This Really a Problem? Ninety-six percent of Americans say it is a good idea to wash up after bathroom time and 85% of parents intend to teach their kids to wash hands after using the toilet. But, it’s not what...
Read MoreWhat is Sepsis?
Recent stories from the Sepsis Alliance website are alarming. People are healthy one day, feel crummy the next, then either die, or spend a long time in ICUs to survive with “life changing challenges.” For example, Elden Bailey (age 47) told his sister one Friday that he “didn’t feel too good.” Two days later, he was admitted to ICU and...
Read MoreNo Mozart Effect? Music and Health
“Where words fail, music speaks” ~Hans Christian Andersen “No Mozart Effect” You spent hours with earphones on your bulging belly, playing Mozart, hoping your unborn child would be a genius. Fast-forward 14 years, you’ve got a hormone crazed teen with nothing on his mind but Taylor Swift. Since 1993, the media’s promoted Mozart’s music...
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