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Posted by on Jul 10, 2015 in Prostate cancer | 0 comments

In a nutshell

The authors analyzed the link between hormone therapy and cardiovascular disease (heart disease) in prostate cancer patients.  

Some background

Hormone therapy is a common treatment for prostate cancer. It targets the male sex hormones that are active in prostate cancer, such as testosterone. Hormone therapy has been associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD). Some studies have concluded that patients who receive hormone therapy have an increased risk of cardiovascular death (patients who die from heart disease).

Further studies are necessary to determine whether hormone therapy can promote cardiovascular events in prostate cancer patients. 

Methods & findings

The authors aimed to determine the correlation between hormone therapy and heart diseases in prostate cancer patients.

Hormone therapy and cardiovascular disease:

Data from 6 studies were used in this analysis. 129, 802 patients received hormone therapy. 165, 605 patients were in the control group (patients who did not receive hormone therapy).

The occurrence of CVD was 10% higher in patients who received hormone therapy compared to the control group. Patients receiving a specific type of hormone therapy (hormone therapy that targets the hormones active in egg and sperm formation) had 19% increased risk of experiencing CVD compared to the control group. Patients who received a combination of specific hormone therapy and oral hormone drugs (to stop testosterone production) had 46% increased risk of experiencing CVD compared to the control group.

Hormone therapy and cardiovascular disease-related death:

Data from 6 studies were used in this analysis. 119,625 patients received hormone therapy. 150,974 patients were in the control group (patients who did not receive hormone therapy).

Patients who received hormone therapy had a 17% increased risk of experiencing CVD death compared to the control group. CVD death rates were significantly increased in patients who received specific hormone therapy alone and in combination with hormonal drugs. 

The bottom line

The authors concluded that hormone therapy increased the risk of heart disease and heart disease-related death in prostate cancer patient.

Published By :


Date :

Sep 29, 2014

Original Title :

Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer Is Associated with Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality: A Meta-Analysis of Population-Based Observational Studies.

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