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Posted by on Jan 15, 2018 in Kidney stones | 0 comments

In a nutshell

This study looked at the risk factors for gallstones and kidney stones in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD – Crohn’s disease [CD] and ulcerative colitis [UC]). The study found that active inflammation in the bowel, as well as long-term NSAID use, were linked with kidney and gallbladder stones.

Some background

Kidney and gallbladder stones are common problems that can cause severe pain and discomfort. They are known to be linked with IBD. However, the risk factors for developing stones in IBD is not fully understood. It is important to research this to help prevent developing stones in IBD.

Methods & findings

Information from 2323 patients diagnosed with IBD was studied. 1333 patients (55.4%) had CD and 999 (42.6%) had UC. 104 (7.8%) patients with CD and 38 (3.8%) patients with UC had gallstones. Out of 92 IBD patients with kidney stones, 61 (4.6%) had CD and 30 (3%) had UC.

Risk factors for kidney stones included age at diagnosis, active CD or UC, anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDs), and surgery in the intestines. Surgery was associated with 2.4 times the odds of kidney stones. NSAID use was associated with 2.3 times the odds.

Gallstones were associated with a 4.87-fold increase in the odds of kidney stones.

The bottom line

The study concluded that intestinal surgery, anti-inflammatory use, and active disease were risk factors for kidney stones in patients with IBD.

The fine print

The study was on mainly on patients in Switzerland. Not all patients were confirmed to have stones by scanning, so some may have been missed.

What’s next?

Speak with your doctor about reducing your risk of stones if you have IBD.

Published By :


Date :

Oct 27, 2017

Original Title :

Risk factors for gallstones and kidney stones in a cohort of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases.

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