In a nutshell
The aim of this study was to examine the association between recreational physical activity and leisure time spent sitting before and after diagnosis with survival in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC).
Some background
There is growing evidence that exercise is safe and well-tolerated by patients with cancer during and after the treatment. Also, previous studies have shown that exercise improves physical functioning and quality of life in CRC patients. However little is known about the association of physical activity or leisure time spent sitting with survival after a CRC diagnosis.
Methods & findings
This study included 2293 patients diagnosed with invasive non-metastatic (not spread) CRC. Before their cancer diagnosis and afterwards, patients completed questionnaires with information about their recreational physical activity and their leisure time spent sitting. Patients were followed up for approximately 16 years after the CRC diagnosis.
The results show that the group of patients with the highest initial recreational physical activity (at least 8.75 hours a week) was associated with a 28% higher survival compared with patients with the lowest recreational physical activity (less than 3.5 hours a week). Also, patients who spent 6 or more hours per day of leisure time sitting on the initial survey had a 36% lower survival compared with patients who spent fewer than 3 hours per day. Leisure time sitting spent after diagnosis was associated with a 27% decrease in survival.
The bottom line
In conclusion, CRC patients who engaged in more time of recreational physical activity and less leisure time spent sitting had better survival rates compared to sedentary patients.
The fine print
This study did not provide information on CRC recurrence (return of the cancer) among participants. Also, there was no information regarding types and stages of cancer among participants and the treatments patients received.
What’s next?
Talk to your doctor about the most appropriate physical activity program for your situation.
Published By :
Journal of clinical oncology
Date :
Jan 22, 2013