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Posted by on Aug 31, 2015 in Colorectal cancer | 0 comments

In a nutshell

This study examined the impact of higher calcium, vitamin D and dairy products on colorectal cancer survival.

Some background

Patients who have a diet high in calcium, vitamin D and dairy products are generally known to have a lower risk of colorectal cancer. However, no research has been done on whether having a diet high in calcium, vitamin D and dairy products can affect survival rates of colorectal cancer.

Methods & findings

2,284 patients were included in this study. Patients provided information on their diet before and after their diagnosis with colorectal cancer. 1,111 patients provided details of their diet after diagnosis with colorectal cancer.

Over an average 7.5-year period, 13% of these patients passed away due to their cancer. In this group, it was found that taking a calcium supplement daily prior to diagnosis was associated with an 83% increase in the risk of death due to heart disease.

A diet high in calcium and milk decreased patient’s overall risk of death by 28%. It decreased the risk of dying due to colorectal cancer specifically by 41%.

When the authors adjusted for changes in patient diet due to serious illness, the results remained almost the same. There was a 47% decrease in risk of death due to colorectal cancer for patients with a diet high in calcium.

There was no change in survival for patients who had a diet high in calcium and milk before their diagnosis.

The bottom line

The authors found that higher intakes of dietary calcium and milk after diagnosis with colorectal cancer (but not before) were associated with a lower risk of death. They noted that this may be due to patients altering their diet after diagnosis to include more calcium and milk.

What’s next?

Discuss your diet and any changes you can make to it with your doctor 

Published By :

Journal of clinical oncology

Date :

Jun 23, 2014

Original Title :

Calcium, Vitamin D, Dairy Products, and Mortality Among Colorectal Cancer Survivors: The Cancer Prevention Study-II Nutrition Cohort.

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