In a nutshell This study investigated if bariatric (gastric bypass) surgery reduces the risk of hospitalization in patients with pre-existing hypertension. They found that patients who underwent bariatric surgery had a reduced risk of short-term hospitalization for hypertensive disease. Some background Hypertension is a serious condition that...
Read MoreHypertension Posts on Medivizor
Is self-monitoring of blood pressure effective in managing hypertension?
In a nutshell This study investigated if self-monitoring of blood pressure effectively manages hypertension. They found that self-monitoring lowered blood pressure when combined with co-interventions. Some background Blood pressure management is essential for treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure). Self-monitoring of blood pressure can be...
Read MoreDoes combination treatment with perindopril, indapamide and amlodipine effectively reduce blood pressure?
In a nutshell This study investigated whether combining perindopril (Coversyl), indapamide (Lozol) and amlodipine (Norvasc) was effective in reducing blood pressure long-term. They found that this combination of medications reduced blood pressure over a 3-month period. Some background High blood pressure...
Read MoreManaging blood pressure variability with olmesartan
In a nutshell This study investigated if olmesartan (Benicar) reduced blood pressure variability over 24 hours. They found that combination therapy with olmesartan improved blood pressure levels and reduced blood pressure variability. Some background Managing hypertension (high blood pressure) involves using either medication or lifestyle...
Read MoreAerobic versus isometric exercise: what are the benefits for management of hypertension?
In a nutshell This study investigated aerobic exercise versus isometric handgrip training for the management of hypertension (high blood pressure). They found that aerobic exercise alone was able to significantly reduce blood pressure levels in patients with hypertension. Some background Aerobic exercise is recommended by doctors to patients...
Read MoreCan kidney denervation effectively manage hypertension without medication?
In a nutshell This study investigated if catheter-based renal denervation can manage hypertension without medication. They found that patients that underwent renal denervation had reduced blood pressure measures over three months. Some background Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition which can lead to serious health complications...
Read MoreDoes a low sodium diet improve blood pressure management?
In a nutshell This study investigated how low and high sodium diets affect various cardiovascular health factors. They found that patients with normal or high blood pressure (hypertension) had reduced blood pressure following sodium reduction. Some background High blood pressure (hypertension) is a serious health concern. One of the standard...
Read MoreCan slow breathing exercises manage symptoms in patients with cardiovascular disease?
In a nutshell This study analyzed data from previous studies investigating if voluntary slow breathing exercises (VSBE) can improve cardiovascular disease symptoms. They found that VSBE resulted in reduced heart rate and blood pressure in patients with cardiovascular disease. Some background Increased heart rate and blood pressure can...
Read MoreRescue During Sudden Cardiac Arrest and the Myth of Tongue-Swallowing
A-B-C – the beginning of the alphabet, a song by the Jackson 5 or the acronym that anyone who took CPR (coronary pulmonary resuscitation) before 2010 learned means Airway, Breathing, Chest Compression. I just learned that this CPR acronym is out-of-date. Before 2010 I learned Airways – Tilt the victim’s head and lift his chin to open the...
Read MoreLight physical activity is associated with lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension
In a nutshell This study investigated the effects of various levels of activity on blood pressure in patients with hypertension (high blood pressure). They found that light physical activity was associated with reduced blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Some background Physical activity is an important component of a healthy...
Read MoreDoes mild elevation in blood pressure increase the risk of cardiovascular disease?
In a nutshell This study investigated if there is an increased risk of cardiovascular (heart and circulatory system) disease in patients with prehypertension (mild blood pressure elevation). They found that prehypertension was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Some background Prehypertension is a term...
Read MoreFDA News Releases and Signing Up for Alerts
You may not know this but you can get warnings from the FDA on problems with prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs. For example, on August 11, a FDA News Release issued this warning about over-the-counter liquid vitamins that are given to young children and those who cannot swallow pills. “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is...
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