Two blood cancers with such similar names, Non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin Lymphoma, is bound to cause confusion. The Dana Farber Cancer Institute has created a great infographic to help clear up any...
Read MoreWhat Happens When A Calling Becomes A Job? “Not My Problem” Healthcare
What does it mean to have a calling? You’ve probably heard people say that they were “called” to become a pastor, social worker, nurse or doctor. What does that mean? Researchers have tried to define it and seem to have settled on three components to the definition. First, there is a caller: something external that could be defined by...
Read MorePatients’ Voice In Research: First Results From The Metastatic Breast Cancer Project
In July 2015, Medivizor introduced us to a project being conducted by the Broad Institute in conjunction with Dana Farber Cancer Institute called The Metastatic Breast Cancer Project or MBC Project. In October of 2015, after two years of work involving patient input and partnership, the MBC Project website went live. One of the reasons why this project is...
Read MoreDo You Understand Clinical Trials?
In two previous posts, What Do You Think About Clinical Trials? and What Do You Think? Medivizor’s Clinical Trials Perception Survey Results, we learned your perceptions of clinical trials. As a follow-up, we have a short, very useful explainer video produced by the European Patients’ Academy (EUPATI) describing some of the key features of...
Read MoreVitamin D A-Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Though this title might seem flippant, there is evidence that Vitamin D supplements may help you get fewer pesky colds and flu. In a recent article published in The BMJ, researchers conducted a meta-analysis on randomized control trials. Backing up, to do a meta-analysis, researchers find already published articles that fit a specific criteria, in this...
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