My family has a recipe for a creamy soup that makes a delicious appetizer on Thanksgiving Day. This soup can also be served as a full course when you find yourself yearning for a warm, cozy soup on a chilly autumn day. What’s more, it’s diabetes- and celiac-friendly! Squash and Carrot Diabetes-Friendly Soup Here’s what you need: 3...
Read MoreDoes Alcohol Increase Cancer Risk?
In July 2017, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) conducted the National Cancer Opinion Survey to find out what people in the US know about cancer. ASCO released the results in October. The findings have already influenced recommendations made by the organization. Beliefs About Cancer Risk Among other questions, the survey asked 4,016...
Read MoreNew Studies Linking Gut Bacteria and Cancer Treatment
In It’s All In Your Gut, A High Fiber Diet and the Immune System, we introduced the microbiome that lives in our body. It helps with our digestion and makes the short-chained fatty acids (SCFAs) that are important to our immune system. Now several recent studies are looking at bacteria in the bodies of people with cancer. Specifically, these...
Read MoreMetastatic Breast Cancer and the Metaphor of War
November 2, 2017 Beth Caldwell died. *** “Since being diagnosed with terminal cancer, I have had one goal: to live long enough to see The Girl start kindergarten. She was 2 and a half when I got diagnosed back in March of 2014, and starting kindergarten in 2017 would fall past median survival for me. Thinking about her having to start school without...
Read MoreWar on Cancer: The Right Metaphor?
“For me, having lost my husband, it’s frustrating to hear publicly people saying to John McCain, ‘If anybody can beat this you can — you’re so tough.’ Not that it’s intentionally hurtful, but it does leave those of us who’ve lost a loved one thinking, ‘Was my loved one not tough enough? Did he not fight hard enough?'” ~Dannagal...
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