“People are like peonies, they need a good hard frost to bring out the character.” ~Francis “Doc” Winter “Doc” Winter was a Midwesterner. Born in Iowa in 1931, in the midst of the Great Depression, he grew up on a small farm. He knew about hard frosts. Struggle, pain and suffering are part of life. Joy, love and...
Read MoreReversing a Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis With Diet?
Both lifestyle (the amount of sleep you get at night, amount of exercise, your levels of stress and the foods you consume) as well as genetics play a role in the development of Type 2 diabetes. People can be overweight and yet never develop Type 2 diabetes or they can be be thin and develop Type 2. A genetic predisposition is part of the equation. But...
Read MorePTSD and Cancer
“I think all too often we underestimate the impact of a cancer diagnosis on the mental health and well-being of the individual, thus it goes unaddressed.” ~Stephanie Zimmerman, MSN Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can bring on feelings of worry, fear, dread, anger, uncertainty and loss. Research indicates that, for some people, these symptoms of...
Read MoreAccurate Blood Pressure Readings Are More Important Than Ever Before
These new goals are based on a significant number of research studies but especially the SPRINT study. This was a large investigation with more than 9000 patients over the age of 50 whose blood pressure measured higher than 130 mm Hg. Participants also had at least one of these risk facts: 1) “Presence of clinical or subclinical cardiovascular...
Read More5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About An Unappreciated Organ: The Bladder
Because of its lowly role in the human body, we think about our bladders only when something is going wrong or when we have to go really, really badly. So, November has been set aside as Bladder Health Awareness month. Here is a short review of bladder anatomy and function as well as common problems that can happen. Your bladder is connected to your...
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