In a nutshell
This study evaluated whether statin use after radiation therapy in patients with prostate cancer (PCa) might have any benefits in terms of cancer recurrence (return of the cancer). The main findings were that statin use before, during and after radiotherapy did not provide any additional benefits in preventing PCa recurrence.
Some background
Methods & findings
This study included 774 PCa patients who were treated with radiation therapy. 52% of patients had a history of statin use before radiotherapy, while 67% used statins after radiotherapy. Statin users were compared to patients without a history of statin use with regard to PCa recurrence. After approximately 4 years of follow up, 19% of all patients experienced a recurrence. However, statin use before, during or after radiotherapy was not associated with PCa recurrence. 17% of patients who used statins and 20% of those without a history of statin use had a PCa recurrence.
The bottom line
In conclusion, this study did not find any benefits for statin use in terms of cancer recurrence in PCa patients treated with radiotherapy.
The fine print
This study had a short follow up period. Also, this study looks back at patients who have been treated in the past (retrospective study) rather than following the patients throughout their treatment and determining their outcomes (prospective study). Retrospective studies are considered to provide weak statistical evidence. Larger prospective studies are needed to evaluate the real effect of statins in PCa patients treated with radiation therapy.
Published By :
Cancer Letters
Date :
Feb 16, 2013