In a nutshell
This study investigated the effect of caffeine on patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Researchers suggested that caffeine decreased the risk and progression of PD.
Some background
Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most common brain diseases. The brain cells lose their abilities to control body functions. This causes symptoms such as muscle weakness and tremors.
Prior studies showed that caffeine reduces the risk of PD. Caffeine inhibits toxicity and inflammation of the brain cells. Therefore, is associated with positive outcomes in patients with mental disorders such as dementia or PD. However, some of these studies have contradictory results and do not consider the changes in metabolism among different people. The metabolism breaks the caffeine so it can be used by the body. It is still not known how caffeine might affect PD progression.
Methods & findings
This study reviewed 13 other studies about caffeine and PD. It included information about both healthy participants and PD patients. Patients with PD had early-stage disease at the beginning of the studies.
The healthy group with regular caffeine intake had a 20.3% improvement in the odds of developing PD. In the PD group, the outcomes of disease progression were dyskinesia (abnormal movements that one cannot control), symptom onset, and levodopa initiation. These patients had a 16.3% improvement in the odds of PD progression.
The bottom line
This study concluded that caffeine consumption improved PD risk and progression in both healthy and PD participants.
The fine print
There were different quantities of caffeine consumed during these studies. This might have affected the results. Other factors may be associated with the risk of PD progression. Further controlled studies are needed.
What’s next?
If you have concerns regarding the consumption of caffeine, please discuss this with your doctor.
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Date :
Jun 22, 2020