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Posted by on Jun 28, 2014 in Lung cancer | 0 comments

In a nutshell

This article investigated the potential of angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) mRNA as a new cancer progression marker.

Some background

Malignant tumors, including lung cancer, need a constant and abundant blood supply as they grow in size. Therefore, as tumors grow they produce chemicals that induce blood vessel formation, such as angiopoietin.

Ang-2 mRNA is a piece of genetic material which governs the production of angiopoietin-2. When present in large quantities, Ang-2 mRNA initiates the process of new blood vessel growth. By measuring the amount of Ang-2 mRNA produced, using a simple blood test, it may be possible to more accurately determine when tumors are growing. A high level of Ang-2 mRNA suggests that many new blood vessels are being formed to support tumor progression. 

This study investigated whether Ang-2 mRNA can be used to predict lung cancer progression and survival. `

Methods & findings

The study evaluated blood samples from 92 patients diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer at various stages to determine whether Ang-2 mRNA levels correlated with cancer outcomes. 

Results showed that patients exhibiting low levels of Ang-2 mRNA in the blood experienced significantly longer survival compared to those with high levels of Ang-2 mRNA. Average overall survival was 34.3 months among patients with the lowest levels of Ang-2 mRNA, compared to 20.3 months among patients exhibiting the greatest levels of Ang-2 mRNA. The correlation between Ang-2 mRNA and survival was found to be significant even after adjusting for disease stage. Survival differences were greatest among stage IV lung cancer patients. Among metastatic patients, average overall survival was 31.3 months among patients with the lowest levels of Ang-2 mRNA, compared to 15.9 months among patients exhibiting the greatest levels of Ang-2 mRNA.

The bottom line

This research supports the hypothesis that Ang-2 mRNA levels are related to lung cancer progression and patient survival. High Ang-2 mRNA levels seem to suggest aggressive cancer progression and may indicate a need for more aggressive therapy.

The fine print

Ang-2 mRNA is still an experimental lung cancer predictor. Further research is needed to determine how Ang-2 mRNA may contribute to therapeutic decision making.

Published By :


Date :

Feb 28, 2014

Original Title :

Circulating Ang-2 Mrna Expression Levels: Looking ahead to a New Prognostic Factor for NSCLC.

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