Posted by on Jul 26, 2019 in Hypertension | 0 comments

In a nutshell

This study investigated if herbs and spices (H&S) have a positive effect on blood pressure (BP). 

They found that H&S may reduce BP in hypertensive patients. 

Some background

Hypertension or high blood pressure (BP) is a common condition. Managing BP levels can be a challenge. There are several strategies to reduce BP. Lifestyle modifications including regular exercise and a healthy diet can help manage BP. Medication is required to manage BP in many cases. In some cases, hypertension can go undiagnosed. This can lead to dangerously high BP. This increases the risk of cardiovascular events (CVEs). Heart attack and stroke are CVEs. 

Diet is an important factor in hypertension. High salt, saturated fat, and alcohol intake can increase the risk of high BP. Some evidence suggests that herbs and spices (H&S) may help manage BP levels. H&S can serve as a substitute for salt in the diet. This may manage BP due to reduced salt intake. It is unclear if H&S can independently reduce BP levels in hypertensive patients.

Methods & findings

This study reviewed data from 9 clinical reports. These studies investigated the effects of H&S on BP in hypertensive patients. They were all randomized controlled trials. Data on H&S intake, BP levels, and patient characteristics were assessed.

H&S assessed in this review included Korean red ginseng, cinnamon, N.sativa, turmeric, red pepper and D. glomerata. BP levels were measured using several different regimens. H&S did not appear to have an effect on people with ‘normal’ BP levels. However, in hypertensive and prehypertensive patients, H&S appeared to lower BP levels.

Patients with higher BP levels at the beginning of the study, those that consumed the H&S a longer period of time and had a higher dosage of H&S had the most significant reductions in BP levels.

The bottom line

This study found that H&S may help lower BP levels in hypertensive patients.

The fine print

There are a number of limitations in this study. Only a small number of studies were analyzed. The methods of measuring BP were different across the studies. More investigation is needed into each spice at specific doses.

What’s next?

If you have any concerns regarding hypertension please discuss this with your doctor. 

Published By :

Journal of hypertension

Date :

Apr 01, 2019

Original Title :

Effects of herbs and spices on blood pressure: a systematic literature review of randomised controlled trials.

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