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Posted by on Aug 11, 2014 in Hypertension | 0 comments

In a nutshell

This study analyzed randomized controlled trials to clarify the effects of probiotic consumption on blood pressure control.

Some background

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is increasing in prevalence worldwide, significantly contributing to morbidity (having a disease condition) and mortality (death).

Probiotics are living microscopic organisms (such as bacteria or yeast) that are believed to have health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. Probiotics are mainly taken to improve digestive disorders (as they compete with harmful bacteria for living space and food in the intestine) and maintain a strong immune system. The effect of probiotic species or dose on blood pressure has not systematically investigated. Numerous inconclusive reports on the effect of probiotics on blood pressure lack information on effective intervention characteristics.

Methods & findings

This study systematically analyzed and reviewed 9 trials enrolling a total of 543 participants. All participants were 18 years of age or older and were using probiotic products (such as yogurt, sour milk and encapsulated probiotic supplements) with live bacteria.

Following analysis researchers concluded that probiotic consumption significantly reduced systolic blood pressure (pressure when the heart is contracting) by 3.56 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure (pressure when the heart is relaxed) by 2.38 mm Hg compared with control groups (groups in which the participants didn’t use probiotics). The magnitude of improvement was greater among those with elevated blood pressure.

Duration of intervention <8 weeks did not result in a significant reduction in systolic or diastolic blood pressure.

Trials with daily dose of probiotics <1011 colony-forming units (CFU is a rough estimate of the number of viable bacteria) did not result in a significant blood pressure change

A greater  blood pressure reduction was found in participants that consumed multiple rather than a single species of probiotics.

The bottom line

The authors stated that the results of this study showed that consumption of probiotics may reduce blood pressure.

The fine print

Although this study concludes that probiotics do have an impact on blood pressure caution is required as the low number of participants included in this analysis warrants further trials to confirm these findings.

What’s next?

Discuss with your doctor the inclusion of probiotics as part of a heathy diet and lifestyle program. 

Published By :


Date :

Jul 21, 2014

Original Title :

Effect of Probiotics on Blood Pressure : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials.

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