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Posted by on Nov 3, 2019 in Hodgkin's lymphoma | 0 comments

In a nutshell

This study aimed to investigate the long-term outcomes for patients with nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma treated in the 2 clinical trials.  

This study concluded that the outcomes for these patients who received Hodgkin lymphoma directed first-line treatment was good.  

Some background

Nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma (NLPHL) is a type of HL that accounts for only 5% of HL cases. Previous trials HD7 to HD15 investigated different treatments for patients with NLPHL. Patients received radiotherapy alone, chemotherapy alone or combined approaches.  

The optimal long-term treatment for newly diagnosed NLPHL is still unknown. 

Methods & findings

This study involved 471 patients with NLPHL who had received first-line treatment in HD7 to HD15 trials. The long-term outcomes of these patients were measured. Patients were followed for an average of 9.2 years.  

At 10-years, the progression-free survival (PFS) rate was 75.5%. At 10-years, the overall survival (OS) rate was 92.1%.  

10.2% of patients developed a second cancer during follow up. These included non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), leukemia, or a solid tumor. Death occurred in 43 (9.1%) patients. However, only 10 (4.3%) of these were NLPHL related. Most deaths were due to second cancer and non-cancerous conditions possibly associated with radiotherapy or chemotherapy. 

The bottom line

This study concluded that the overall outcome for patients with NLPHL who received HL-directed first line treatment was good. Treatment optimization is still needed to reduce toxicity in standard-risk patients and to improve prognosis in high-risk patients. 

Published By :

Journal of clinical oncology

Date :

Oct 18, 2019

Original Title :

Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients With Nodular Lymphocyte-Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma Treated in the HD7 to HD15 Trials: A Report From the German Hodgkin Study Group.

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