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Posted by on Jan 30, 2016 in Erectile dysfunction | 0 comments

In a nutshell

This study investigated the relationship between erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular risk, specifically plaque build-up in major arteries.

Researchers concluded that men with erectile dysfunction are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and recommend increased screening.

Some background

Atherosclerosis (build-up of plaque within the artery wall) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular conditions, such as heart disease or strokes. Atherosclerosis of arteries supplying the penis is a common finding among men with erectile dysfunction. Previous studies have suggested that erectile dysfunction can be an early warning sign of a current, or future, cardiovascular condition. The aim of this study was to further examine the relationship between atherosclerosis and erectile dysfunction.

Methods & findings

A total of 614 men were randomly selected for this study. Men were assessed for erectile dysfunction, atherosclerosis and additional medical conditions.

60% of men were found to have erectile dysfunction. On average, men with erectile dysfunction were older and were significantly more likely to have diabetes, high blood pressure or a preexisting cardiovascular condition. An underlying cardiovascular condition was present in 14% of men with erectile dysfunction, compared to only 6% among men without erectile dysfunction.

Men with erectile dysfunction were significantly more likely to show signs of atherosclerosis in major blood vessels (arteries near the heart and neck). Importantly, the risk of finding major artery atherosclerosis increased according to the severity of erectile dysfunction. There was no indication of an increased risk of blocked arteries in the legs (peripheral artery disease) associated with erectile dysfunction.

The bottom line

Researchers concluded that erectile dysfunction is linked to an increased risk of advanced atherosclerosis. Men with erectile dysfunction should receive proper screening for cardiovascular conditions.

What’s next?

Consult with your physician regarding cardiovascular health and screening.

Published By :

The journal of sexual medicine

Date :

Jan 01, 2016

Original Title :

Peripheral Atherosclerosis in Patients With Erectile Dysfunction: A Population-Based Study.

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