In a nutshell
This study investigated the effect of physical activity on lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This study found that reduced exercise is associated with an increased risk of LUTS.
Some background
People diagnosed with BPH (non-cancerous overgrowth of the prostate) often experience LUTS. These include urine dribbling, incomplete bladder emptying and nocturia (getting up to urinate during the night). It is unknown if exercise is associated with fewer LUTS.
Methods & findings
This study included 617 patients. They filled out a questionnaire to evaluate their physical activity. This was done at the beginning of the study and during the study.
30% of patients presented with severe LUTS. Low exercise levels on the questionnaires were associated with more severe LUTS. This affected storage symptoms like retaining urine.
The bottom line
This study found that low physical activity could lead to an increased risk of LUTS in men.
The fine print
Higher exercise levels could mean a lower body mass index. It is unclear if physical activity or low body fat is the protective factor against severe LUTS. Further research is needed.
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Date :
Jan 08, 2019