In a nutshell This study looked at whether radiotherapy had an impact on the recurrence rate in patients with early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). It found that in patients with early-stage HL who responded fully to chemotherapy, the addition of radiotherapy reduced the risk of localized recurrence. Some background Early-stage...
Read MoreResearch Posts on Medivizor
What are the most common skin-related side effects of immune therapy for patients with melanoma?
In a nutshell This study looked at the skin-related side effects of immune checkpoint inhibitors in the treatment of melanoma. It found that the most common side effects were mild-to-moderate itching, rash, and vitiligo (loss of skin pigment). Some background Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are a type of immune therapy used to...
Read MoreHave COVID-19 restrictions negatively affected people with Parkinson’s disease?
In a nutshell This study looked at how motor symptoms progressed in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. It found that motor symptoms progressed more quickly during the first 15 months of the pandemic than during the 15 months before it. Some background PD symptoms involving muscles and...
Read MoreDo patients with B-cell lymphoma respond properly to the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine?
In a nutshell This study looked at the use and response of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). It found that patients with NHL undergoing treatment with rituximab (Rituxan)/obinutuzumab (Gazyva) had a poorer immune response to this vaccine, compared to patients without...
Read MoreLong term outcomes and risk factors for patients with advanced chronic myeloid leukemia who have undergone allogeneic stem cell transplantation
In a nutshell This study aimed to determine the long-term outcomes and risk factors after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) for patients with advanced phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). This study concluded that allo-SCT improved the outcomes of these patients, particularly in those with donors younger than 36...
Read MoreEvaluating the effectiveness and safety of talazoparib for the treatment of patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.
In a nutshell This study evaluated the effectiveness and safety outcomes of talazoparib (Talzenna) for the treatment of patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) with mutations in DNA repair genes. The data showed that talazoparib was effective with manageable side effects for these patients. Some background mCRPC is an...
Read MoreClarithromycin administered daily reduces the skin-related side effects associated with panitumumab treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer.
In a nutshell This study investigated the effectiveness and safety of preventative antibiotic treatment with clarithromycin (Biaxin) to prevent skin-related side effects associated with panitumumab (Vectibix) treatment for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). The data showed that clarithromycin administered daily along with a simple...
Read MoreTucatinib plus trastuzumab and capecitabine preserves health-related quality of life in patients with metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer.
In a nutshell This study evaluated the impact of tucatinib (Tukysa) in combination with trastuzumab (Herceptin) and capecitabine (Xeloda) on health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) in patients with metastatic human epidermal growth factor (HER2)-positive breast cancer (BC). The data showed that this combination preserved HR-QoL in these patients. Some...
Read MoreEvaluating birth rate after multiple cycles of freeze-all IVF
In a nutshell This study looked at the overall birth rate using multiple in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles and freezing all embryos. It found that when using multiple cycles, the birth rate varied widely depending on the woman’s age and cause of infertility. Some background In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an infertility technique in which the...
Read MoreEvaluating chiropractic spinal therapy for patients with chronic stroke
In a nutshell This study investigated whether chiropractic spinal therapy helped improve movement in patients who had a stroke. This study found that this therapy combined with physical therapy (PT) greatly improved motor function for these patients. Some background Ischemic stroke occurs when an artery leading to the brain is blocked or narrowed...
Read MoreDo blood pressure medications help to improve signs of brain small vessel disease?
In a nutshell This study looked at the effect of blood pressure (BP)-lowering medications on cerebral small vessel disease (CVSD). It found that maintaining systolic blood pressure (SBP; BP when the heart beats) between 110-129 mmHg reduced the progression of white matter hyperdensities, one of the signs of CVSD on brain scans. Some background...
Read MoreDoes canagliflozin reduce the risk of hospitalization in patients with type 2 diabetes?
In a nutshell This study looked at the effect of canagliflozin (Invokana) on hospitalization occurrence in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). It found that patients treated with canagliflozin were less likely to be admitted to the hospital than patients treated with placebo. Some background Canagliflozin is a medication...
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