“Chasing the Face of Men’s Health**” On your mark, get set, grow face hair grow…but only on the upper lip! The Mo, Australian for mustache, is taking over the faces of men worldwide. Started from a fashion discussion among a couple of guys in a bar in Australia, the fundraiser has really taken off. But where does all the money from this...
Read MoreHypertension Posts on Medivizor
Can blood pressure lowering drugs prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes?
In a nutshell This study evaluated the effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) on the development of type 2 diabetes. Some background Diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar mainly due to the body not producing the sugar-lowering hormone, insulin, (type 1...
Read MoreDo cholesterol-lowering drugs increase diabetes risk?
In a nutshell This study compared the benefits and risks of cholesterol-lowering drugs, statins, on reducing heart problems and increasing the occurrence of diabetes. Some background Diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar mainly due to the body not producing...
Read MoreCan walking help prolong your life?
In a nutshell This study looked at how effective regular physical exercise is in reducing mortality caused by cardiovascular disease and mortality in general. Some background It is widely accepted that increasing physical activity is good for health, particularly for the heart. Physical activity helps to manage...
Read MoreEat your way to a healthy heart by reducing salt and increasing potassium
In a nutshell This study reviewed the effect of dietary intake of salt and potassium on blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and mortality. Some background Many studies have linked high dietary salt intake with high blood pressure and reduced cardiovascular (heart) health. Salt causes kidneys to hold onto more water, with the resulting...
Read MoreOnline Support for Hypertension
We’ve been asked by our subscribers to help them find online support groups/forums for their medical conditions. Therefore, from time to time, we’ll review a medical condition, and the online support forums and groups for this specific condition. We’re starting with hypertension / high blood pressure. The main reason we’re beginning...
Read MoreFactors that contribute to poorly controlled blood pressure in coronary heart disease
In a nutshell This study looked at risk factors that may hinder blood pressure control in patients with high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. Some background Cardioheart disease (CHD) is a heart disorder caused by narrowed or blocked blood vessels that supply the heart with blood and oxygen. CHD can lead...
Read MoreSitting down for more than 10 hours a day? Could this lead to cardiovascular disease?
In a nutshell This study evaluated whether sitting down for prolonged periods of time and lack of physical activity are associated with cardiovascular disease. Some background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a heart disorder caused by narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack or stroke. The disease...
Read MoreIs your blood pressure rising undetected?
In a nutshell This study evaluated whether blood pressure levels change throughout the day. Some background When blood pressure is measured, the value is given as two numbers; for example 120/80 mmHg. The first (or top number) is the pressure inside arteries when the heart is contracting (systolic blood pressure). The bottom number is the...
Read MoreIs it safe to treat high blood pressure after a stroke?
In a nutshell This study compared blood pressure levels measured before and after the onset of different types of stroke. Some background A stroke is a disturbance of blood supply to a part of the brain. This can be caused by a blood clot in the brain (ischemic stroke) or a burst blood vessel...
Read MoreDo blood pressure drugs contribute to death from kidney disease or diabetes?
In a nutshell This study compared the mortality rate associated with different antihypertensive drugs, in particular mortality related to diabetes and renal disease. Some background Hypertension is a common medical condition where pressure in the blood vessels is high. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can damage or weaken...
Read MoreCarvedilol and metoprolol are equally as effective at reducing mortality in heart failure patients
In a nutshell This study evaluated whether differences exist in carvedilol (Coreg) or metoprolol (Lopressor) treatment for high blood pressure. Some background Heart failure occurs when the heart does not pump enough blood around the body. It is commonly caused by high blood pressure which can leave the heart too...
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