In a nutshell This study evaluated the benefits and harms of finasteride (Proscar). The effects of finasteride were compared to placebo (sham therapy with no medical effect) and other treatments for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). Some background Finasteride, a five-alpha reductase inhibitor (5ARI), reduces prostate size by blocking the effects...
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Combining ?-blockers with anticholinergics helps relieve urinary symptoms
Posted by Medivizor on Nov 26, 2015 in Benign prostatic hyperplasia | 0 comments
In a nutshell This study reviewed the effects of combined α-blocker and anticholinergic therapy on urinary symptoms in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Some background Men with enlarged prostates often experience bothersome urinary symptoms. These may include increased frequency or urgency of urination, frequently waking up at...
Read MoreUrethral lift: A new procedure to relieve BPH symptoms
Posted by Medivizor on Nov 26, 2015 in Benign prostatic hyperplasia | 0 comments
In a nutshell This study reviewed the effects of prostatic urethral lift (PUL) – a new procedure to relieve urinary symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. Some background Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) may lead to troublesome urinary symptoms, often requiring surgical intervention. Since many interventions are associated...
Read MoreGuidelines from the European Association of Urology
Posted by Medivizor on Nov 24, 2015 in Benign prostatic hyperplasia | 0 comments
In a nutshell This article provides a summary of the 2013 European Association of Urology guidelines on the treatment and follow-up of men lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Some background Men with enlarged prostates often experience bothersome urinary symptoms. These may include increased frequency or urgency of urination, painful urination,...
Read MoreHide and Go Seek…Continues: Prevalence
Posted by Medivizor on May 13, 2013 in Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Blog, Breast cancer, Colorectal cancer, Coronary artery disease, Diabetes mellitus, Erectile dysfunction, Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hypertension, Infertility, Kidney stones, Leukemia, Lung cancer, Lymphoma, Melanoma, Multiple Myeloma, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Prostate cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Stroke, Urinary incontinence, Urinary tract infection | 1 comment
Deep Breathing Time Again… We’re about to seek the answer to another of the numbers that health and medical professionals use daily from statistics. Are you ready? Here it goes… What does Prevalence Rate in Statistics Mean? The prevalence rate is the total number of cases of a disease in a specific population divided by the total number of people...
Read MoreCount to 10… then Hide: Incidence! Understanding Statistics
Posted by Medivizor on May 7, 2013 in Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Blog, Breast cancer, Colorectal cancer, Coronary artery disease, Diabetes mellitus, Erectile dysfunction, Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hypertension, Infertility, Kidney stones, Leukemia, Lung cancer, Lymphoma, Melanoma, Multiple Myeloma, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Prostate cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Stroke, Urinary incontinence, Urinary tract infection | 6 comments
Ready to play Hide and Seek? Or are you just ready to hide? Most people feel like hiding when faced with the numbers that health and medical professionals use daily, statistics. So we’re going to start slowly and cover different mathematical concepts you might have heard. This will be a series of posts so if there are any math concepts that you...
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