“Years before my heart attack, I freelanced for a hospital that created a note pad with the saying “Thank you for being a ‘patient’ patient.” At the time, I thought it was cute. Now, I realize it isn’t funny! Continuous improvement should be the shared goal in healthcare.” ~Katherine Leon A Look At Patients...
Read MoreThank You Nurses: International Nurses Day
One Courageous Act “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage,” Anais Nin is quoted as saying. Courage comes to mind when thinking of the actions of a young gentlewoman in Victorian times. Facing the objections of her family and peers, Florence Nightingale wanted to become a nurse. That courage expanded her life and made...
Read MoreLife After Discharge With Stroke
“I had a terrible headache for two days and very seldom had headache – …once a year tops. I took my kids and Sharon to see [a] movie…and at the end…I got up…collapsed and I do not [know] what happened to me.” ~John Anderson Stroke Stroke is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. Although the number of deaths has gone down...
Read MorePositive Thinking and Cancer-Myth-Making
Called the “Emperor of All Maladies.” there’s little doubt that a cancer diagnosis throws life completely out of control. Unfortunately, this chaos creates vulnerabilities that can and have been exploited. It is tempting to believe the idea that if you control your thoughts and make them positive, you can control cancer. However...
Read MoreBurden of Bills: Living With Cancer in the US
“I also know that the sooner I die, the more money my family will have.” ~from the post Why Advocate? by Lori Marx-Rubiner On hearing the word “cancer” from your physician, your first thoughts are naturally on treatment. In fact, your focus should be on treatment. Unfortunately and sometimes tragically, in the US finances need to be a top...
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