“If you want to become whole, let yourself be partial. If you want to become straight, let yourself be crooked. If you want to become full, let yourself be empty.” – Lao-Tzu There’s a new website and app that is all the rage called Headspace. For $7.99 per month, you get training in mindfulness with guided meditations for health,...
Read MoreCarbohydrates: Why We Love Carb Counting (And You Should Too!)
What Is Carb Counting? Why Do I Need to Know? Keeping up with the amount of food we eat helps us stay healthy and fit. But for people with diabetes, being in touch with the amount of carbohydrates eaten is crucial to survival. To learn about carbohydrate counting, you need to know a bit about food and digestion. Food is composed of carbohydrates, proteins...
Read More[Infographic] Do You Know the Low-Down On Coronary Heart Disease?
Coronary Heart Disease An Infographic from Mount Sinai Hospital providing information on the causes, symptoms, treatments and prevention of coronary heart disease. Source: Mount Sinai...
Read More5 Promising New Goals for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next. ~Gilda Radnor Many people with breast cancer (or a history of it) dread October. Instead of enjoying autumn’s oranges, reds and yellows, they see a flood of pink ribbons and awareness paraphernalia. Some...
Read MoreWorld Arthritis Day
Here’s a surprising fact: did you know that more than half of all Americans over age 18 deal with bone and joint issues? If you suffer from bone or joint issues, know that you are not alone. The week of October 12 through 20th is Bone and Joint Awareness Week. October 12th is World Arthritis Day. According to the Global Alliance on Musculoskeletal...
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