Blood, your own private sea, moves through your body because of your powerful, pumping heart. Through blood, every cell in your body communicates with one another. What do you know about this special fluid? Your blood is not just fluid. There are four components to your blood: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The liquid...
Read MoreGuest Post: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and My Stem Cell Transplant Experience
“I am 24 years old. Last year on January 15th 2016, I was diagnosed with Stage 2A Classical Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I had 12 cycles of ABVD chemotherapy over 6 months and went into complete remission on August 8th, 2016. A few weeks before my wedding, on November 4th 2016 I had my first follow up CT scan which showed enlarged...
Read MoreKnowledge is Power: Help For People With Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
“Family and friends can be great sources of support but truth be told, no one can ever really know what you are going through other than those who have been there themselves….” ~Rachele Chaar Ghosn For Rachele Chaar Ghosn, a 24-year-old woman with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, finding others going through treatment for Hodgkins was paramount....
Read MoreChocolate, Need I Say More…
Recently published, another research article about the benefits of chocolate! In this case, the Danish are following a large group of people, ages 50 to 64 over a number of years to find out how their consumption of chocolate affects their health. In this study, they looked at atrial fibrillation, a condition in which the upper chambers of your heart...
Read MoreOver 13 Facts About Bones-Medivizor
We don’t think about them but our bones give our bodies, our internal organs and our muscles, structure and protection. Your skeleton is the birthplace of blood cells. And it store minerals that are essential to life. What Mom Never Told You About Osteoporosis! is a post that describes the composition of bones. Here is a cross section of a...
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