In a nutshell
This paper reviewed the effect of exercise on cardiovascular disease. Many studies found that exercise was beneficial for patients.
Some background
A sedentary lifestyle (lacking physical activity) is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD – the narrowing or blockage of arteries which can lead stroke or a heart attack). High levels of exercise can prevent or treat heart disease. However, a lot of people still do not get enough exercise.
Methods & findings
This review aimed to summarize the beneficial effects of exercise for patients with CVD.
Numerous studies have shown that low levels of physical activity are associated with a higher occurrence of high blood pressure and depression. It is also associated with obesity, abnormal fat levels, and type 2 diabetes. Results also showed that higher levels of physical activity were associated with a lower risk of death due to heart related causes.
High levels of cardiorespiratory (heart and lung) fitness was associated with a reduced occurrence of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness was associated with a decrease in the death rate.
Exercise training (physical exercise which increases the breathing rate) improves cardiorespiratory fitness. In addition, exercise training improves cholesterol and sugar levels in the body. Exercise training programs with specific rehabilitation for the patients with heart problems have been studied. One study found that patients who lost weight had greater improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness and fat levels than patients who did not lose weight.
The authors also studied the relationship between exercise training and heart failure. In a study of heart failure, hospitalization and death rate was 11% lower after 30 months in patients who had exercise training.
Guidelines suggest a minimum of 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic physical activity. In a study of 41,6175 individuals from Taiwan, increased physical activity was observed to be associated with a decrease in death. Even patients who did only 15 minutes of exercise training daily had a 14% reduction in death. They also had a 3-year longer life expectancy.
The bottom line
The authors concluded that exercise training is recommended for patients with cardiovascular disease.
What’s next?
Consider increasing your levels of physical activity to treat cardiovascular disease.
Published By :
Circulation Research
Date :
Jul 03, 2015