In a nutshell This study evaluated the safety of two regimens of external beam radiation – short, high-dose radiotherapy – compared with the standard radiotherapy protocol. There were no substantial differences in side effects between the conventional and experimental radiotherapy regimens. Some background Prostate cancer which...
Read MoreTreatment(s) now being considered-Radiation Posts on Medivizor
Is radical prostatectomy better than active surveillance in patients with confined prostate cancer?
This article compared the survival effect of two therapeutic approaches for patients with confined prostate cancer: radical prostatectomy (complete removal of the prostate) and active surveillance. Early radical prostatectomy (RP) was found to reduce the number of cancer-related deaths, particularly in patients with high risk prostate...
Read MoreWhat is the preferred mode of action for patients with Lobular Neoplasia: surgery or observation?
In a nutshell The present study tested whether Lobular Neoplasia (LN) diagnosed on Core Needle Biopsy (CNB) leads to breast cancer and if a selected group of patients can be safely observed rather than treated early. The main findings were that not all patients with LN diagnosed on CNB need surgery (excision). Some background Breasts are...
Read MoreSexual, urinary, hormonal and bowel function – a comparison between prostate cancer survivors and noncancer men
In a nutshell The present study compared survivors of prostate cancer (PC) to patients of similar sexes and ages that have not had prostate cancer (non-cancer controls) based on the effects of prior treatments and treatment options on sexual, urinary, bowel and hormone functions. The main finding was that PC survivors had poorer sexual and urinary...
Read MoreProstatectomy and radiation effects on urinary, bowel and erectile dysfuntion 2, 5 and 15 years after prostate cancer diagnosis
In a nutshell This paper evaluated the long-term influence of prostate cancer treatment with prostatectomy or radiotherapy on urinary, bowel and sexual function. Prostatectomy was associated with a higher rate of urinary and erectile dysfunction, whereas radiotherapy caused more frequent bowel urgency at 2 and 5 years after diagnosis. Some background...
Read MoreEvaluating survival rates in patients with prostate cancer treated with low-dose-rate brachytherapy
In a nutshell The present study evaluated survival rates in patients with prostate cancer (PC) treated with Low-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy (LDR-PB). The main findings were that LDR-PB alone or combined with hormone therapy offers excellent survival in PC patients. Some background Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men....
Read MoreIsolated cancer cells in lymph nodes increase the risk of the cancer re-occurring after surgery: A method to detect these isolated cells
Colorectal cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in the rectum, colon (the large intestine) and it can also affect the appendix. It affects both men and women. Patients who are diagnosed with stage 1 and 2 colorectal cancer (cancers affecting the lining of the intestines – stage 1, and the muscle wall – stage 2) are generally only...
Read MoreRisks of Incontinence and Sexual Dysfunction following Robotic or Open surgical removal of the prostate : A Comparison study
In a nutshell The present study compared the risks of urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control) and sexual dysfunction following two techniques of radical prostatectomy (complete surgical removal of the prostate gland): traditional open procedure versus robotic-minimally invasive surgery. Main findings: the risks tested were comparably...
Read MoreSurgery versus Clinical Observation for Localized Prostate Cancer
In a nutshell This study compared mortality rates in patients with localized prostate cancer who were managed with either radical prostatectomy (complete surgical removal of the prostate) or careful clinical observation. Initial diagnosis was made by means of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) testing. The main finding was that mortality did not differ...
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