Blood Pressure Posts on Medivizor
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Blood Pressure Posts on Medivizor

Accurate Blood Pressure Readings Are More Important Than Ever Before

Accurate Blood Pressure Readings Are More Important Than Ever Before

Posted by on Dec 5, 2017 in Blog, Coronary artery disease, Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Stroke | 4 comments

These new goals are based on a significant number of research studies but especially the SPRINT study.  This was a large investigation with more than 9000 patients over the age of 50 whose blood pressure measured higher than 130 mm Hg.  Participants also had at least one of these risk facts:  1) “Presence of clinical or subclinical cardiovascular...

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Online Support for Hypertension

Online Support for Hypertension

Posted by on Oct 27, 2014 in Blog, Hypertension | 2 comments

We’ve been asked by our subscribers to help them find online support groups/forums for their medical conditions. Therefore, from time to time, we’ll review a medical condition, and the online support forums and groups for this specific condition. We’re starting with hypertension / high blood pressure. The main reason we’re beginning...

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4 BIG Reasons Blood Pressure Matters

4 BIG Reasons Blood Pressure Matters

Posted by on Sep 16, 2014 in Blog, Coronary artery disease, Hypertension |

Blood pressure measurement history Before the first sphygmomanometer, doctors put tubes in arteries to measure systolic blood pressure.  Happily, in 1881 Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter von Basch figured out a way to measure blood pressure in a less invasive way, using a rubber ball that restricted blood flow to the artery and attaching that to a column of...

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