In a nutshell This phase III clinical trial compared the efficacy of pemetrexed (Alimta) chemotherapy alone, versus the combination of carboplatin plus pemetrexed, as first treatment for patients with advanced non small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Some background NSCLC is the most common type of lung cancer and often requires chemotherapy....
Read MoreLung cancer Posts on Medivizor
A Roadmap to the “New Normal:” Understanding Cancer Treatment’s Bumpy Ride
So often people who undergo chemotherapy hear something like this from their family, friends or other well-wishers, “Thank goodness that’s over, now you can get on with your life. You can get back to normal.” Although it’s true that chemotherapy is over, the road that the patient is on is not smooth. There are important changes that caregivers and...
Read MoreNanomedicine: The Future of Medicine (Infographic)
As a nice complement to our prior post about Diabetes and Nanotechnologies, Pamela Brooke of “Associates Degree in Nursing Guide” web site suggested we might want to share also this cool infographic summarizing the current status of nanomedicine. We found it well done and helpful – thanks! Image compliments of Associates Degree in...
Read MoreBevacizumab plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone in advanced non-small cell lung cancer
In a nutshell This study compared two treatment strategies for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: platinum analog chemotherapy plus the drug bevacizumab (avastin) versus platinum analog chemotherapy alone. Some background Treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer typically involves treatment with chemotherapy. Standard chemotherapy...
Read MoreIrinotecan or topotecan instead of etoposide for extensive small cell lung cancer
In a nutshell This trial investigated whether chemotherapy drugs belonging to the class of camptothecins (such as irinotecan or topotecan) used together with platinum analog chemotherapy (such as cisplatin or carboplatin) were better than the standard regimens in treating extensive disease small-cell lung cancer. Some background Standard treatment...
Read MoreSurgery versus stereotactic body radiation therapy for early stage lung cancer patients
In a nutshell This study compared two therapy options for early stage lung cancer patients. Standard surgery was compared to stereotactic body radiation therapy. Some background Early stage lung cancer is typically treated with surgery. At this stage of the disease, the cancer is generally manageable. However, some patients may not be able to...
Read MoreComparison between two radiation therapy schedules
In a nutshell This trial compared the survival of lung cancer patients, between patients receiving standard radiation therapy and those receiving radiation therapy given on alternative schedules (hyperfractionated or accelerated). Some background This research was prompted by recent findings that suggest a benefit with hyperfractionated or...
Read MoreUsing the body’s own immune system to treat non-small cell lung cancer
In a nutshell This article reviewed current developing trends in the field of immunotherapy for the treatment of lung cancer. Some background Immunotherapy is a relatively new way of fighting cancer, and employs the body's own defenses to attack tumor cells. This is done by stimulating certain molecules that regulate immune cell activity, and...
Read MoreEGFR Inhibitors in the treatment of non–small cell lung cancer patients
In a nutshell This meta-analysis (an analysis of data combined from several similar trials) examined the impact of EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI's) on progression-free survival (PFS) and the overall survival (OS) of advanced non small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Some background Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells may contain...
Read MoreChemotherapy combinations in the treatment of patients with extensive small-cell lung cancer
In a nutshell This phase III study compared the benefit of three chemotherapy combinations as first line treatment (the first choice of treatment) for extensive disease small-cell lung cancer (ED-SCLC) patients. Topotecan–cisplatin (TP) combination treatment, topotecan–etoposide (TE) combination treatment, and cisplatin-etoposide (PE)...
Read MoreLocal therapies with continued EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (erlotinib or gefitinib) for resistant non-small cell lung cancer
In a nutshell This study examined the benefits of local therapies for patients with EGFR mutant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that has progressed despite tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment. Some background Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells may contain different genetic mutations that cause these cells to divide and spread...
Read MoreComparing the efficacy and risks of two first line chemotherapy treatments for small-cell lung cancer patients
In a nutshell This analysis investigated the differences in treatment efficacy and safety between cisplatin and carboplatin, two first line chemotherapeutic drugs used in the treatment of small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients. Some background First line treatment (the initial treatment of choice) of SCLC patients includes a platinum based...
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