In a nutshell This study compared two blood pressure measurement techniques in order to determine which of the two can better guide hypertension management. Some background Hypertension (HTN or high blood pressure) often requires the use of medications (antihypertensive drugs) to maintain normal blood pressure values. Management of...
Read MoreHypertension Posts on Medivizor
The most important meal of the day indeed
In a nutshell This study evaluated the relationship between frequency and quality of breakfast consumption and the risk of metabolic conditions. Some background When regularly skipping breakfast, the normal metabolism of the body begins to change. For example, the body stores more energy in fat, and the resistance to the hormone insulin (which...
Read MoreDo the effects of lifestyle changes on blood pressure persist over time?
In a nutshell This study evaluated the persistence of the effects on blood pressure brought about by lifestyle changes. Some background Lifestyle changes are important for preventing and treating high blood pressure (hypertension or HTN). A healthy lifestyle includes weight management (WM), exercising regularly, smoking cessation,...
Read MoreBeta blockers and hypertension
In a nutshell This study compared the effects of bisoprolol (Zebeta, Concor) and atenolol (Tenormin) on sympathetic nervous activity (SNA) and central aortic pressure (CAP) in patients with essential hypertension. Some background Essential hypertension, also called primary hypertension, is a rise in blood pressure of unknown cause. Essential...
Read MoreIs baroreflex activation therapy safe for the kidney?
In a nutshell The current study explores the effect on kidney function of baroreflex activation therapy, a treatment for high blood pressure (hypertension). Some background The baroreflex or the baroreceptor reflex is a normal mechanism that helps the body maintain a normal blood pressure (BP) by decreasing BP when it gets too high. Baroreflex...
Read MoreTreatments and sexual function
In a nutshell This study investigated the effects of different treatments for hypertension (high blood pressure) on sexual activity and function among middle aged patients. Some background Hypertension significantly raises the risk for serious complications such as heart attacks, strokes and early death. Therefore, treatment of hypertension to...
Read MoreAlcohol and cholesterol
In a nutshell This study examined the effects of alcohol consumption on cholesterol and triglycerides levels in hypertensive patients. Some background High blood pressure (hypertension) is a major risk factor for serious cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) events, such as heart attacks or strokes. This is due to a process of progressive...
Read MoreThe role of hypertension in the development of brain damage
In a nutshell This review examined the damage caused to the brain by hypertension, and the role hypertension plays in the development of strokes, cognitive impairment and alzheimer’s disease. Some background High blood pressure (hypertension; HTN) is known to be an important risk factor in the development of strokes. The effects of...
Read MoreExercise, arterial stiffness and myocardial oxygen demand in prehypertensive patients
In a nutshell This study examined the effect of resistance and endurance training on blood pressure, arterial stiffness and myocardial oxygen demand in prehypertensive patients. Some background To accommodate normal blood flow, arteries must be elastic and flexible. Throughout life, arteries become less elastic and stiffer. High blood pressure,...
Read MoreThe 2013 European Society of Hypertension guidelines
In a nutshell The 2013 European Society of Hypertension/European Society of Cardiology (2013 ESH/ESC) guidelines are meant to provide doctors with the most recent data regarding the best management of hypertension (high blood pressure). Some background The proper management of hypertension (HTN) is crucial since patients with high blood pressure...
Read MoreIs hypertension related to changes in brain volume?
In a nutshell This study reviewed the association between blood pressure levels and reduction in brain volume. Some background Hypertension (high blood pressure) is believed to be associated with brain atrophy (a degenerative reduction in the size and function of brain cells). Brain atrophy can be assessed by measuring brain volume. Recent studies...
Read MoreLCZ696 in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases
In a nutshell This review analyzed a number of studies which evaluated the efficacy and safety of a new combination drug (LCZ696) in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Some background Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a class of diseases that involve the heart, the blood vessels or both. Examples of CVDs include strokes, heart attacks and...
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