The world is flat guys, Twitter is awesome! #doctors20 — Ángel González (@angel189) February 2, 2015 Worldwide Conversation Only on Twitter can people around the world chat with each other in real-time about an issue that impacts so many. Monday February 2nd, a group of 114 people from places as different as South Africa, Belgium, Australia,...
Read MoreCancer Immunotherapy: Infographic
The Cancer Research Institute has created an infographic to explain cancer immunotherapy. Cancer immunotherapy is an incredible resource to treat cancer. Essentially, the immune system is activated and its ability to remove specific cancer cells is re-enabled. The infographic below explains the components of the immune system that are...
Read MoreEat to Beat Cancer? Just Wondering…
Thinking about Blood Blood carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells and waste products from the cells. Blood vessels—capillaries, arteries, veins—carry that blood throughout the body. Obviously blood vessels are important to life. The tissues in our body produce compounds that enhance the growth of blood vessels and that stop the growth of blood...
Read MoreNational Radon Action Month: January
In the US, January is National Radon Action Month. To help understand the significance and radon exposure on health, the Lung Cancer Action Network created this infographic. What is Radon? Radon is a radioactive gas that is in soil and rocks all over the world. Created naturally as uranium decays, it is the second leading cause of lung cancer and in...
Read MoreHealing Medicine With Stories
Something amazing is happening in Greater Boston! Two people meeting on stage, discussing their stories on camera…. Wait…that doesn’t sound incredible, does it? What if the two people are a doctor and patient sharing their experiences with each other? What if they are a doctor and patient discussing their LIVES? Two Perspectives on...
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