Understanding Suffering Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. ~ Daniel H. Pink People who are in the healthcare system on a chronic basis know suffering. Some of it is due to their condition, but some of it is caused by the system itself. Here’s a scenario we are all too...
Read MoreMyth Busting Diabetes
Stigma and Myths Stigma and myths go hand in hand. Myths feed the fear and misunderstanding that people use to stigmatize others and blame victims. Branding people by saying that they “caused their condition” is unproductive and unfair. This problem is happening with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Here are some myths about diabetes and recent...
Read MoreAngiosarcoma Awareness: Bridging Barriers Online
An Unstoppable Force Lauren knew that we all have a common, overarching goal….We all want to live. More importantly, we all want each other to live. Scientists offer science. People with similar presentations compare notes. And always with great affection and love. What may have started as a simple support group is becoming an unstoppable force,...
Read More9 Reasons Why “Compliance” Can’t Describe Taking Medications
The first post on compliance and adherence discussed the power of the words “compliance” and “adherence”, the history of their use and the negative impact these words have on people with chronic conditions. T1 HATE hate hate hate the word “adherence.” Makes pts who cannot follow instructions to the letter seem like...
Read More“Compliance?” “Adherence?” The Language of Medication Taking
Any Trekkie (Star Trek Fan) would know this greeting of the Borg that ends with “Resistance Is Futile.” What Does Compliance Mean? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, compliance is “the act or process of doing what you have been asked or ordered to do.” This word is part of the legal, militaristic language of quarantine. In the US, Congress...
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