This is a good question and one that may surprise many people. Professional chaplains are people of any faith community–Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Hindu and more–ordained or endorsed by that community. Their role is to provide “emotional, spiritual, religious, pastoral, ethical, and/or existential care” in a secular setting. ...
Read MoreBenefits of Coffee…Does It Improve Your Workout?
The Wonder of Coffee Coffee has been around for a long time. The tree has grown in Ethiopia for centuries. According to legend, one day long ago a goat herder name Kaldi watched his goats eat berries from the tree. The goats that ate the berries were energized, running around and not sleeping at night. Kaldi shared his observation with the abbot of...
Read MoreSnot or Not: An INFOGRAPHIC Explaining Nose Mucus
Tissue Alert It’s cold and flu season! Your nose is running and the tissues are piling up. Did you know that the mucus from your nose, also called snot, can tell you about what’s going on with your body? It’s true. Take a look at this infographic explaining mucus by the folks at Cleveland Clinic. Explaining Nose...
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Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality. ~Jonas Salk Hope Filled Update In 2014, Emily Bennett Taylor’s story was featured in November in the post Hope, Mice and Lung Cancer. At 28, the former college athlete was about to celebrate her second wedding anniversary when she learned that she...
Read More3 Ways An Optical Illusion Can Affect Holiday Eating!
Food, Food, Food! It’s the Holidays! What would the holidays be without food, especially forbidden foods? Are you afraid of eating too much? Here are a few strategies that may help you eat less during the holidays. And they are based in psychology. Food psychology, that is. There is a program at Cornell University that tries to understand cues...
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