Our last blog post focused on microbiomes and their potential involvement in obesity. To complement that post, here is a TED Talk about how people who move from other countries to the US lose their normal gut flora. Another TED Talk, from 2014, describes the microbes in communities that are all over our bodies. It also discusses the Human...
Read MoreHaving trouble losing weight? The cause could be your gut bacteria
You’ve followed the diets, you’ve increased your exercise, and you still can’t lose weight. The problem may be related to the composition of your gut bacteria. Gut Bacteria and Weight Loss In a study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, researchers found evidence pointing to gut bacteria, “gut microbiota” hindering weight...
Read MoreCanada’s Food Guidelines: Taking Food Marketing To Task
“We receive a constant stream of changing (and often conflicting) messages on healthy eating. Food marketing is evolving rapidly, and now includes channels such as social media. This complex and crowded information environment can make it hard for Canadians to make healthy eating choices.” Canada has released its equivalent of the USDA Food...
Read MoreDental Health and a Diabetes-Friendly Recipe
Dental health is a critical component of personal heath. For people living with diabetes, dental care is especially important since diabetes can compromise your immune system. There are between 200 and 300 bacteria in your mouth so remembering to brush at least twice a day needs to be part of your daily ritual. Although it is counter-intuitive, choosing a...
Read MoreBeyond Medication for Parkinson’s Disease: Focused Ultrasound
Around one million people in the US have Parkinson’s disease. In Parkinson’s, the dopamine-producing cells of the brain–in an area called the substantia nigra–die off. Abnormal proteins are what kill these brain cells. In fact, all neurodegenerative diseases have deposits of abnormal proteins, and neurobiologists call them...
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