Recently researchers added a question to a common survey that patients can complete after they are discharged from the hospital. The question – “How often did you feel comfortable speaking up if you had any problems in your care?” available answers included: “(1) no problems during hospitalization, (2) always felt comfortable...
Read MoreGuest Post: Excerpts from “Remnant of My Heart”
Phantom pain–pain experienced after limb amputation– used to be understood as something “in your head” but now it is recognized as real; fMRIs have shown that peripheral and central nervous system changes occur which cause this pain. The brain image on the left shows how the person with phantom pain has a greater amount of their brain lit up...
Read MoreWatch Out: PFAS
When you buy bottled water, you are buying it for its purity compared to water from the tap. But you may be making a mistake. At least that is the case with bottled water that is on the shelves of many stores in the United States. Recently, the Environmental Working Group, a non profit based in Washington, DC released a report naming 610 places in 43 states...
Read MoreDiabetes Friendly Recipe: Skillet Steak
If you are looking for something to cook that has pretty easy clean up, try cooking in a cast iron skillet. Cast iron cookware has been around for a long time, since 220 AD. The process of sand casting iron cookware, which makes the cookware thinner was invented in England in 1707. Here is a recipe for your cast iron skillet that is diabetes friendly from...
Read MoreMaking the Right Choice for Prostate Cancer Treatment
The prostate is a tiny gland in a crowded part of the body. It is situated right below the bladder, right next to the rectum, near the blood and nerve supply for the penis. Unfortunately, one in nine men will get cancer in this tiny gland. According to the UsToo International prostate cancer website, nearly 3 million men in the US are living with prostate...
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