Posted by on Dec 24, 2013 in Blog | 1 comment


Grandma is from Iowa…grew up on a farm. She milked cows, fed chickens, chopped wood and watched the nation change. Electricity didn’t come to their farm until she was a teen.

Richness in her life is measured in stories. And many of these stories are about food.

Like the stories of cooking with her new daughter in-law from Korea…how they discovered that the recipe for egg noodles that Young Ae’s grandmother had taught her was exactly the same as the one that Grandma’s had learned from her German grandmother. Or the story of the time children in the neighborhood, which was predominantly Vietnamese, brought a special holiday “duck” to share with her family when they learned Grandma was ill.

Or the story of the bread-making group that she started: community brought together with yeast, flour and vegetable soup.

Stories to share…stories of baking together, decorating cookies together, eating together…all together. And she says, “Food knows no boundaries….Cooking for family and friends is all about Love.”

Happy Holidays
