
Title of notification

Here comes the notification

breast cancer


Source: Cancer

  • Published: Jan 12, 2015
  • Added to your feed: Sep 02, 2016
  • Added by Medivizor: Apr 14, 2015
  • Updated by Medivizor: Apr 14, 2015
  • What are the unmet needs of cancer survivors?

    In a nutshell

    This paper studied the unmet needs of cancer survivors

    Some background

    Cancer survivors face unmet needs. These are needs which lack enough service or support for survivors to achieve optimal well-being. Understanding the needs of cancer survivors can help guide services and support to meet the needs of survivors. 

    Methods & findings

    9,105 cancer survivors were surveyed on their cancer experience. They were asked the question: "Please tell us about any needs you have now as a cancer survivor that ARE NOT being met to your satisfaction" and could respond however they wanted. Their responses were analyzed and categorised under themes.

    The results found that physical needs were most common (38.2% of survivors). These were needs  affecting the body, including pain, symptoms, sexual dysfunction, diet, exercise, and rest. 20.3% of survivors reported financial problems. 19.5% of survivors had  education and information needs which were related to unanswered questions and the lack of information about cancer. 16.4% of survivors had personal control problems, which were related to one's ability to maintain autonomy over one's body. 15.5% of survivors had needs related to the health care system. 13.8% had problems with access to supplies, medications  and transportation services . 13.7% had  emotional and mental health problems, and 12.7% had social support needs. 10% of survivors had problems with social norms, discrimination, misinformation, and policies. 8.5% had communication needs. 8.25% had problems relating to their relationship with healthcare workers.

    The average overall number of unmet needs was 2.88. Breast cancer survivors had the highest average number of unmet needs. It is not sure whether this is because breast cancer survivors actually have more long-term cancer related needs than other cancer survivors or that they express more needs. The average number of needs declined with age. 

    The bottom line

    The authors concluded that the needs of cancer survivors are important and should be researched further.

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