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hypertension | Research | 10 pages | source: Scientific reports | Added Feb 01, 2019

Mortality risk and uncontrolled hypertension: is poor blood pressure control to blame?

This study investigated whether there is an increased risk of death in patients with uncontrolled hypertension. They found that patients with uncontrolled hypertension have an increased risk of mortality overall. Patients with controlled hypertension has a risk similar to those without hypertension.

hypertension | Research | 10 pages | source: Lancet (London, England) | Added Jan 30, 2019

Anti-hypertensives and lipid-lowering drugs to manage hypertension: results from long-term follow-up

This study investigated the long-term effects of blood pressure-lowering treatment (BP-LT) and lipid-lowering treatment (L-LT) in the management of hypertension. They found that BP-LT and L-LT improved survival rates in patients with hypertension.

hypertension | Research | 10 pages | source: Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979) | Added Jan 28, 2019

How important is oral health in blood pressure management?

This study investigated if oral health was linked to blood pressure (BP) management. The authors found that good oral health was associated with better BP control. 

hypertension | Research | Lifestyle | 10 pages | source: Medicine | Added Jan 25, 2019

Can the DASH diet decrease the risk of stroke?

This study aimed to see if the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) could reduce the risk of stroke. The main finding of the study was that adherence to the DASH decreased the risk of stroke.

leukemia | Research | Treatment | 10 pages | source: Blood Reviews | Added Jan 21, 2019

Comparing transplant options for patients with acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia

This study aimed to compare unrelated donor umbilical cord blood transplant and unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplant in adult and pediatric patients with acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

This study concluded that unrelated donor umbilical cord blood transplants could be used more often as a treatment option for patients with acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 

hypertension | Research | 10 pages | source: High blood pressure & cardiovascular prevention: the official journal of the Italian Society of Hypertension | Added Jan 21, 2019

Can a nutraceutical supplement support lifestyle management of hypertension?

This study investigated the effectiveness of a combined nutraceutical (BPLN®) for the management of hypertension. They found that this supplement reduced blood pressure in patients with hypertension. 

hypertension | Research | 10 pages | source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology | Added Jan 19, 2019

Left atrial appendage exclusion (LAAE) – can it reduce blood pressure in patients with atrial fibrillation?

This study investigated if left atrial appendage exclusion (LAAE) reduced blood pressure (BP) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). They found that this procedure reduced BP in patients with AF.

hypertension | Research | 10 pages | source: The American journal of cardiology | Added Jan 14, 2019

Strict blood pressure management and cardiovascular disease risk: results from the SPRINT study

This study investigated if strict blood pressure (BP) management improves cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. 

They found that strict BP control reduced the risk of atherosclerotic CVD.

hypertension | Research | Lifestyle | 10 pages | source: Nutrients | Added Jan 11, 2019

Healthy eating patterns and cardiovascular disease: what are the benefits?

This study investigated if intermittent attempts to healthy eating improved cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. They found that healthy eating reduced CVD risk factors.

hypertension | Medivizor | source: Medivizor | Added Jan 08, 2019

A personalized refresher about Hypertension

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condition in which blood pressure at rest is higher than the body's needs. It is defined as a systolic blood pressure above 140, and a diastolic blood pressure above 90. If only one of these values is elevated, it is referred to as isolated systolic or isolated diastolic hypertension. If blood pressure is slightly elevated, but not to a degree that meets the criteria, it is referred to as pre-hypertension. This condition is still harmful and still requires treatment.




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