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hypertension | Research | 8 pages | source: Journal of hypertension | Added Sep 28, 2019

Does high blood pressure cause both sides of the heart walls to thicken?

This study investigated whether high blood pressure (hypertension) causes thickening of the right chamber of the heart, responsible for pumping blood to the lungs - a condition known as right ventricular hypertrophy.  

hypertension | Research | 10 pages | source: Circulation | Added Sep 26, 2019

Intensive blood pressure control for the wider population – a lifesaver?

This study estimated the number of lives that could be saved by implementing intensive blood pressure control regimens.

They found that over 100,000 deaths could be prevented yearly in the United States by implementing an intensive blood pressure control regimen.

hypertension | Research | Treatment | 14 pages | source: PLOS ONE | Added Sep 24, 2019

Is allisartan isoproxil effective and safe for high blood pressure?

This paper studied the effectiveness and safety of allisartan isoproxil in patients with high blood pressure. 

hypertension | Research | 9 pages | source: Journal of the American College of Cardiology | Added Sep 22, 2019

Sitting down for more than 10 hours a day? Could this lead to cardiovascular disease?

This study evaluated whether sitting down for prolonged periods of time and lack of physical activity are associated with cardiovascular disease. 

hypertension | Research | 10 pages | source: Medicine | Added Sep 20, 2019

Can differences in interarm blood pressure predict cardiovascular disease?

The aim of this study was to determine whether hypertensive patients with significant interarm blood pressure difference were at a higher risk of cardiovascular problems. The authors concluded that significant differences in interarm systolic blood pressure (pressure when the heart is contracting) may be a method of predicting cardiovascular risk in hypertensive patients.

hypertension | Research | 12 pages | source: PLOS ONE | Added Sep 18, 2019

Can walking help prolong your life?

This study looked at how effective regular physical exercise is in reducing mortality caused by cardiovascular disease and mortality in general. 

hypertension | Research | Lifestyle | 10 pages | source: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Added Sep 16, 2019

Is there a benefit of milk protein supplements in early-stage hypertension?

This study looked at the effect of the milk proteins, whey and calcium, on blood pressure and cardiovascular risk factors (affecting the heart and blood vessels) in patients with hypertension. The authors concluded that taking milk protein supplements reduced blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease in pre-hypertensive and mildly hypertensive patients.

leukemia | Research | 10 pages | source: Lancet (London, England) | Added Sep 16, 2019

Surviving cancer – is there a greater risk of cardiovascular disease long-term?

This study investigated if there is a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in cancer survivors. 
They found that cancer survivors have a higher risk of CVD.

hypertension | Research | Lifestyle | 10 pages | source: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Added Sep 14, 2019

Including lean pork in a diet for high blood pressure

This study looked at the effect of introducing pork into the diet of patients with pre-hypertension (elevated blood pressure). The authors concluded that including pork as the main source of dietary protein instead of fish or chicken had no negative effect on blood pressure levels.

hypertension | Research | 6 pages | source: Hypertension | Added Sep 12, 2019

Is controlling your blood pressure the key to keeping your mind sharp as you age?

The researchers aimed to see whether day-to-day variations in blood pressure were associated with cognitive decline. 




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