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leukemia | Research | Treatment | 10 pages | source: Biology of blood and marrow transplantation: journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation | Added Jun 22, 2020

Impact of graft cryopreservation on allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant outcomes using post-transplant cyclophosphamide

This study aimed to compare outcomes of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (alloHSCT) using cryopreserved (frozen) and fresh grafts in patients with blood cancers who received post-transplant cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan). This study concluded that cryopreservation (CP) does not affect the outcomes of HSCT in these patients.  

hypertension | Research | Lifestyle | Expertise | 0 pages | source: | Added Jun 11, 2020

Benefits of flaxseeds for inflammation

Previously, I’ve explored the potent antihypertensive effect of dietary flaxseed in hypertensive patients. This was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial where they disguised ground flax seed in baked goods, versus like flax-free placebo muffins, and got an extraordinary drop in high blood pressures. As you can imagine, the flax seed industry was overjoyed, praising the impressive findings, as was I. After all, high blood pressure is the single largest risk factor for death on the planet earth. Yes, we give people medications—lots and lots of medications, but most people don’t take them, as in 9 out of 10 people take less than 80 percent of their prescribed blood pressure pills. Just 8 percent.

It’s not difficult to understand why. “Patients are asked to follow an inconvenient and potentially costly regimen, which will likely have a detrimental effect on [their] health-related quality of life to treat a mostly asymptomatic condition.” So, they may feel worse instead of better, due to the side effects. The answer, then, is to give them more drugs to counteract the effects of the first drugs— like giving men Viagra to counteract the erectile dysfunction caused by their blood pressure pills.

How about using a dietary strategy instead, especially if it can be just as effective? And indeed, the drop in blood pressures they got in the flax seed study “was greater than the average decrease observed with the standard dose of anti-hypertensive [drugs].” And, flaxseeds are cheaper too, compared to even single medications, and most patients are on multiple drugs. And it has good side effects beyond their anti-hypertensive actions—but not all good. Taking tablespoons of flax seed a day is a lot of fiber for people who have been living off of cheeseburgers and milkshakes their whole lives, and it can take a little while for your gut bacteria to adjust to the new bounty. So, people who start out with low-fiber diets may want to take it slow at first.

Not all studies have shown significant blood pressure-lowering effects. There have been over a dozen trials by now, involving more than a thousand subjects. And yes, put them all together, and overall, there were significant reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressures—the upper and lower numbers—following supplementation with various flax seed products. None were as dramatic as that six-month trial. The longer trials tended to show better results, and some of the trials just used flax seed oil or some kind of flax seed extract. The thought is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. “Each of the components of interest within flaxseed, [the omega-3’s, the cancer-fighting lignans, all the soluble fiber and plant proteins,] all contribute towards [the] blood pressure reduction.” Okay, but how? Why? What’s the mechanism?

Some common blood-pressure medications, like Norvasc or Procardia, work by reducing the ability of the heart to contract, or slowing the heart down. And so, it’s possible that’s how flaxseed works too. But no. “Dietary flaxseed reduces…blood pressure without cardiac involvement but [rather,] through changes in plasma oxylipins.” What are oxylipins?

“Oxylipins are a group of fatty acid metabolites” involved in inflammation, and as a result, have been implicated in many pro-inflammatory conditions including cardiovascular disease and aging. “The best characterized oxylipins in relation to cardiovascular disease are derived from the long chain omega-6 fatty acid [known as] arachidonic acid, found preformed in animal products, particularly chicken and eggs,” and can be made inside the body from junky omega-6 rich oils, such as cottonseed oil. But, elevated levels of pro-inflammatory oxylipins in older subjects are normalized by flax seed consumption.

That’s how we think flax seed consumption reduces blood pressure in patients with hypertension: by inhibiting the enzyme that makes these pro-inflammatory oxylipins. I’ll spare you from the acronym overload, but basically, eating flax seeds inhibits the activity of the enzyme that makes these pro-inflammatory oxylipins, called leukotoxin diols, which in turn may lower blood pressure. “Identifying the biological mechanism adds confidence to the antihypertensive actions of dietary flaxseed.”

But that’s not all oxylipins do. Oxylipins may play a role in the aging process. But we may be able to beneficially disrupt these biological changes associated with inflammation and aging with a nutritional intervention like flax seed. Older adults (around age 50) have higher levels of this arachidonic acid-derived oxylipin, compared to younger adults (around age 20). “These elevated concentrations of pro-inflammatory oxylipins in the older age group…may [help] explain the higher levels of inflammation in older versus younger individuals.” As we get older, we’re more likely to be stricken with inflammatory conditions like arthritis; and so, this elevation of pro-inflammatory oxylipins may predispose individuals to chronic disease conditions. But what if you took those older adults and gave them muffins—ground flax seed-containing muffins?

Four weeks later, their levels dropped to here, down to like 20-year-old levels, demonstrating “that a potential therapeutic strategy to correct the deleterious pro-inflammatory oxylipin profile is via a dietary supplementation with [flax].”

hypertension | Research | 10 pages | source: Medicine | Added Jun 06, 2020

A salt substitute for hypertension – can it improve blood pressure management?

This study investigated if a salt substitute (SS) improves blood pressure (BP) control in patients with hypertension.  

They found that the SS may reduce BP and medication use.

leukemia | Research | Treatment | 10 pages | source: American Journal of Hematology | Added Jun 06, 2020

Does the choice of anthracycline and transplant impact outcomes for patients with acute myeloid leukemia?

This study aimed to investigate the outcomes for patients with acute myeloid leukemia based on anthracycline and transplant type.  

This study concluded that the long-term outcomes for these patients were similar regardless of anthracycline and transplant choice.  

leukemia | Research | 10 pages | source: British Journal of Haematology | Added Jun 04, 2020

The effects of smoking on predicted treatment outcomes in patients with acute myeloid leukemia

The study evaluated how smoking habits affect the predicted treatment outcomes in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) under intense chemotherapy. The authors found that smoking status was related to poor overall survival in such patients.

hypertension | Research | Treatment | 10 pages | source: High blood pressure & cardiovascular prevention: the official journal of the Italian Society of Hypertension | Added Jun 02, 2020

Does single pill administration improve clinical outcomes with treatment for hypertension and high cholesterol?

This study investigated if a single-pill combination (SPC) improves clinical outcomes in patients with high blood pressure (BP) and high cholesterol levels.

They found that SPC improved medication adherence and outcomes of these patients.

leukemia | Research | Treatment | 10 pages | source: Acta Haematologica | Added May 31, 2020

Managing patients with leukemia during the COVID-19 pandemic

The report recommends several treatment modifications for patients with leukemia during the high-risk period of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main recommendations are to reduce clinic visits, use less intensive chemotherapy, and care through telemedicine for effective treatment.

hypertension | Research | 10 pages | source: Medicine | Added May 31, 2020

How effective are mobile health apps in managing hypertension?

This study investigated if mobile health applications (MHA) improve blood pressure (BP) management. They found that MHA could improve BP management by increasing treatment adherence.

hypertension | Clinical Trial | Added Jan 07, 2020

Searching for patients with high blood pressure to test different exercise training programs

This trial will investigate the effect of exercise training programs to manage hypertension in patients with hypertension with or without type 2 diabetes (T2D). The main outcome will be the change in systolic blood pressure (SBP) after 3 months.

prostate cancer | Research | Treatment | 10 pages | source: The Lancet. Oncology | Added Jan 06, 2020

Evaluating the order of hormone therapy drugs for patients with prostate cancer

This study evaluated the order of treatment with two different hormone therapy drugs in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer that has spread. This study found that treatment with abiraterone acetate (Yonsa) then enzalutamide (Xtandi) delayed cancer growth or spread longer than the same drugs in the opposite order.




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