
Title of notification

Here comes the notification
leukemia | Research | 10 pages | source: BMC cancer | Added Dec 05, 2018

Whole body vibration during chemotherapy for leukemia and lymphoma

This study examined the effectiveness of vibration therapy on patients receiving chemotherapy for leukemia and lymphoma. Researchers found that vibration therapy improved daily function in these patients.

leukemia | Medivizor | source: Medivizor | Added Nov 22, 2018

What Should You Ask Your Doctor About Your Cancer Diagnosis?

Or Patient-Centered Cancer Care:  IOM’s recommendations Last week, we looked at the recent Institute of Medicine’s report and wrote the post about "How the US Got Its Cancer Care Crisis". This week we get more practical. With specific recommendations you can use! The general recommendations include: (1) becoming engaged patients. (2) ensuring
leukemia | Medivizor | source: Medivizor | Added Nov 16, 2018

15 Tips to Cope with Scanxiety (Scan Anxiety)

"Keep Calm And Carry On:" Really? “The shock of that day you hear the words, ‘you have cancer’ never leaves you and your sense of certainty in life and in your body can be hard to recapture after a diagnosis of cancer.”-Marie Ennis-O'Connor After Surgery, Chemo, Radiation This is the
leukemia | Medivizor | source: Medivizor | Added Nov 08, 2018

Cancer Patient Resources: Free Air Travel

Cost Medical care for cancer is costly. In addition, there is the financial burden that patients and families face in getting to and from the best care--which may be located at medical centers far from home. The situation can seem overwhelming. Corporate Angel Network Into this dilemma, little known resources
leukemia | Medivizor | source: Medivizor | Added Oct 26, 2018

Positive Thinking and Cancer-Myth-Making

Called the "Emperor of All Maladies." there's little doubt that a cancer diagnosis throws life completely out of control.  Unfortunately, this chaos creates vulnerabilities that can and have been exploited.  It is tempting to believe the idea that if you control your thoughts and make them positive, you can control
leukemia | Medivizor | source: Medivizor | Added Oct 10, 2018

Oncology Basics 2016: Understanding Cells

We are made of elegant, interacting, dynamic structures called cells.  The best estimate is that there are around 32 trillion cells in the human body.   Today 5th graders begin to learn about cells and cell biology.  But for the rest of us, who may be a bit rusty, or who
leukemia | Medivizor | source: Medivizor | Added Oct 08, 2018

Oncology Basics 2016: DNA

The Central Dogma of Biology Doesn’t the title above sound imposing? Yet this central idea has moved biological science forward over the last 60 plus years. What we know about cells, genetics and cancer today relies on this "Dogma": DNA carries our hereditary information and transfers that information in a
leukemia | Medivizor | source: Medivizor | Added Oct 05, 2018

Oncology Basics 2016: Genes and Cancer Treatment

In Oncology Basics 2016 part 1, we examined the elegance of the cells that make up our body.  In Oncology Basics 2016 part 2, we explored what holds the instructions for life--DNA--and the special processes of self-replication and transcription that are used to pass on and translate those instructions.  Now
leukemia | Medivizor | source: Medivizor | Added Oct 01, 2018

Increasing Awareness: What is Cachexia?

Eating Together For many, being able to commune around a table--talking, laughing and eating--is a sign of health and well-being.  That's why, when someone is sick, and doesn't eat, conflict can result. Caregivers may feel enormous anxiety, guilt and hopelessness as their loved one loses weight. Yet, caregivers need to
leukemia | Medivizor | source: Medivizor | Added Sep 15, 2018

Guest Post: Cancer On Facebook--A Patient's Perspective

Dawn Goo is a waitress, former comedian, breast cancer survivor and is now under treatment for Non Hodgkins Lymphoma.  She lives in El Paso, Texas.  This is a post from her Facebook page which is gathering momentum in social media among people who have experienced cancer, especially those who are




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